Source code for pyproteome.analysis.correlation

# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
This module provides functionality for data set analysis.

Functions include volcano plots, sorted tables, and plotting sequence levels.

from __future__ import absolute_import, division

import logging
import warnings

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns

import pyproteome as pyp

LOGGER = logging.getLogger('pyproteome.correlation')

[docs]def correlate_data_sets( data1, data2, adjust=True, label_cutoff=1.5, show_labels=False, show_title=True, ax=None, ): ''' Plot the correlation between peptides levels in two different data sets. Parameters ---------- data1 : :class:`pyproteome.data_sets.DataSet` data2 : :class:`pyproteome.data_sets.DataSet` filename : str, optional ''''Plotting dataset correlation') merged = pd.merge( data1.psms, data2.psms, on='Sequence', ).dropna(subset=('Fold Change_x', 'Fold Change_y')) if ax is None: f, ax = plt.subplots( figsize=(4, 3), ) else: f = ax.get_figure() merged['Fold Change_x'] = merged['Fold Change_x'].apply(np.log2) merged['Fold Change_y'] = merged['Fold Change_y'].apply(np.log2) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', category=FutureWarning) sns.regplot( x='Fold Change_x', y='Fold Change_y', data=merged, ax=ax, scatter_kws={ 's': 2, }, ) label_cutoff = np.log2(label_cutoff) if show_labels: texts = [] for _, row in merged.iterrows(): x = row['Fold Change_x'] y = row['Fold Change_y'] ratio = x - y if ratio < label_cutoff and ratio > - label_cutoff: continue txt = ' / '.join(row['Proteins_x'].genes) txt = txt[:20] + ('...' if len(txt) > 20 else '') text = ax.text( x=x, y=y, s=txt, bbox=dict( color='lightgreen' if ratio < 0 else 'pink', alpha=0.8, ), ) texts.append(text) if adjust and texts: pyp.utils.adjust_text( texts=texts, ax=ax, lim=400, force_text=0.1, force_points=0.1, arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='->', relpos=(0, 0), lw=1), only_move={ 'points': 'y', 'text': 'xy', } ) min_x = merged['Fold Change_x'].min() max_x = merged['Fold Change_x'].max() min_y = merged['Fold Change_y'].min() max_y = merged['Fold Change_y'].max() min_xy = min([min_x, min_y]) max_xy = max([max_x, max_y]) ax.plot([min_xy, max_xy], [min_xy, max_xy], '--', color='k') ax.set_xlim(left=min_xy - .5, right=max_xy + .5) ax.set_ylim(bottom=min_xy - .5, top=max_xy + .5) name1 = name2 = ax.set_xlabel('Fold Change -- {}'.format(name1)) ax.set_ylabel('Fold Change -- {}'.format(name2)) ax.set_xticklabels( ['{:.2f}'.format(i) for i in np.power(2, ax.get_xticks())], ) ax.set_yticklabels( ['{:.2f}'.format(i) for i in np.power(2, ax.get_yticks())], ) if show_title: pear_corr = merged['Fold Change_x'].corr( merged['Fold Change_y'], method='pearson', ) # spear_corr = merged['Fold Change_x'].corr( # merged['Fold Change_y'], # method='spearman', # ) ax.set_title( ( r'Pearson\'s: $\rho$={:.2f}' # r'Spearman\'s: $\rho$={:.2f}' ).format(pear_corr) ) return f
def _scatter_plots( cp, signal, data_chans, signal_chans, signal_groups, scatter_cols=4, xlabel='', scatter_colors=None, scatter_symbols=None, ): scatter_colors = scatter_colors or {} scatter_symbols = scatter_symbols or {} if cp.shape[0] < 1: return None df = pd.DataFrame( [ ( row, str(row['Sequence']), signal[sig_chan], row[data_chan], sig_group, scatter_colors.get(sig_group, 'black'), ) for _, row in cp.psms.sort_values('Correlation').iterrows() for data_chan, sig_chan, sig_group in zip( data_chans, signal_chans, signal_groups, ) ], columns=('row', 'sequence', 'x', 'y', 'group', 'color'), ) g = sns.lmplot( x='x', y='y', hue='group', col='sequence', col_wrap=scatter_cols, data=df, sharey=False, fit_reg=False, ) for ax in g.axes: seq = ax.get_title().split('=', 1)[1].strip() df_cp = df[df['sequence'] == seq] row = df_cp['row'].iloc[0] row_title = ' / '.join(str(i.gene) for i in row['Proteins']) row_seq = str(row['Sequence']) row_mods = str(row['Modifications'].get_mods([(None, 'Phospho')])) sns.regplot( x='x', y='y', data=df_cp, scatter=False, ax=ax, ) ax.set_title( row_title[:20] + ('...' if len(row_title) > 20 else ''), # fontsize=28, # fontweight='bold', ) # ax.set_xlabel( # '{}\n$\\rho = {:.2f}$'.format( # xlabel, # row['Correlation'], # ), # fontsize=22, # ) ax.set_ylabel( row_seq[:20] + ( '...' if len(row_seq) > 20 else '' ) + ( '\n({})'.format( row_mods[:20] + ('...' if len(row_mods) > 20 else '') ) if row_mods else '' ), # fontsize=20, ) # for tick in ax.xaxis.get_major_ticks() + ax.yaxis.get_major_ticks(): # tick.label.set_fontsize(20) ax.legend(loc='best') return g def _remove_lesser_dups(labels, compress_sym=False): new_labels = [] labels = list(labels) for index, (x, y, label) in enumerate(labels): for o_index, (o_x, o_y, o_label) in enumerate(labels): if index == o_index: continue if label != o_label: continue if not compress_sym and (y < 0) != (y < 0): continue mul = 1 if y >= 0 else -1 o_mul = 1 if o_y >= 0 else -1 if ( mul * y < o_mul * o_y ) or ( ( mul * y <= o_mul * o_y ) and index < o_index ): break else: new_labels.append((x, y, label)) return new_labels
[docs]def correlate_signal( data, signal, corr_cutoff=0.8, scatter_cols=4, options=None, title=None, show_duplicates=False, scatter_colors=None, scatter_symbols=None, show_scatter=True, ax=None, xlabel='', ): ''' Calculate the correlation between levels of each peptide in a data set and a given signal variable. Parameters ---------- data : :class:`pyproteome.data_sets.DataSet` signal : :class:`pandas.Series` Returns ------- f_corr : :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` f_scatter : :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` ''' options = options or {} highlight = options.get('highlight', {}) hide = options.get('hide', {}) edgecolors = options.get('edgecolors', {}) rename = options.get('rename', {}) scatter_colors = options.get('scatter_colors', {}) scatter_symbols = options.get('scatter_symbols', {}) if title is None: title = cp = data.copy() cp = cp.rename_channels() cols = getattr(signal, 'columns', getattr(signal, 'index', [])) signal_groups = [ label for label, group in cp.groups.items() for chan in group if chan in cp.channels.keys() and chan in cols ] signal_chans = [ chan for group in cp.groups.values() for chan in group if chan in cp.channels.keys() and chan in cols ] data_chans = [ cp.channels[chan] for chan in signal_chans ] cp.psms['Correlation'] = cp.psms.apply( lambda row: signal[signal_chans].corr( pd.to_numeric(row[data_chans]), method='spearman', min_periods=5, ), axis=1, ).replace([np.inf, -np.inf], np.nan) cp.psms = cp.psms.dropna( subset=['Correlation'], how='any', ) if ax is None: f_corr, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 10)) x, y, colors = [], [], [] sig_x, sig_y, sig_labels = [], [], [] for index, (_, row) in enumerate(cp.psms.iterrows()): x.append(index) y.append(row['Correlation']) sig = abs(row['Correlation']) >= corr_cutoff if sig: sig_x.append(index) sig_y.append(row['Correlation']) sig_labels.append(' / '.join(row['Proteins'].genes)) colors.append( 'blue' if sig else '{:.2f}'.format( max([len(row[data_chans].dropna()) / len(data_chans) - .25, 0]) ) ) ax.scatter(x, y, c=colors) ax.spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['right'].set_visible(False) labels = zip(sig_x, sig_y, sig_labels) if not show_duplicates: labels = _remove_lesser_dups(labels) labels = sorted(labels, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)[:100]'Showing names for {} genes'.format(len(labels))) texts = [] for xs, ys, txt in labels: if any(i.strip() in hide for i in txt.split('/')): continue txt = rename.get(txt, txt) texts.append( ax.text( x=xs, y=ys, s=txt[:20] + ('...' if len(txt) > 20 else ''), fontsize=20 if txt in highlight else 16, bbox=dict( facecolor='lightgreen' if xs > 0 else 'pink', alpha=1, linewidth=0.5 if txt not in edgecolors else 3, edgecolor=edgecolors.get(txt, 'black'), boxstyle='round', ), ) ) if texts: pyp.utils.adjust_text( texts=texts, ax=ax, lim=400, force_text=0.3, force_points=0.01, arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='->', relpos=(0, 0), lw=1), only_move={ 'points': 'y', 'text': 'xy', } ) ax.set_xlabel( 'Index', ) # ax.set_yticklabels( # '{:.3}'.format(i) # for i in np.power(1/10, ax.get_yticks()) # ) ax.set_ylabel( 'Correlation', ) if title: ax.set_title(title) cp.psms = cp.psms[cp.psms['Correlation'].apply(abs) >= corr_cutoff] f_scatter = None if show_scatter: f_scatter = _scatter_plots( cp, signal, data_chans, signal_chans, signal_groups, scatter_cols=scatter_cols, scatter_colors=scatter_colors, scatter_symbols=scatter_symbols, ) return ax.get_figure(), f_scatter