Source code for pyproteome.analysis.tables

from __future__ import absolute_import, division

import collections
import os
import re

import pandas as pd

import pyproteome as pyp

def _prep_csv(data=None, postfix='table', folder_name=None, csv_name=None):
    if csv_name is None:
        csv_name = '{}.csv'.format(

    folder_name = pyp.utils.make_folder(

    return os.path.join(folder_name, csv_name)

def _get_table_title(f=None, running_title=None):
    if running_title is None:
        running_title = []

    if f is not None:
        if 'asym_fold' in f:
                'Upregulated' if f['asym_fold'] > 1 else 'Downregulated'

        if 'p' in f:

        if 'group_a' in f or 'group_b' in f:
                    f.get('group_a', ''),
                    f.get('group_b', ''),

    return '-'.join(running_title)

[docs]def motif_table( data, f, p=0.05, sort='p-value', **kwargs ): ''' Run a motif enrichment algorithm on a data set and display the significantly enriched motifs. Parameters ---------- data : :class:`pyproteome.data_sets.DataSet` f : dict or list of dict p : float, optional sort : str, optional Returns ------- df : :class:`pandas.DataFrame` See Also -------- :func:`pyproteome.motifs.motif.run_motif_enrichment` ''' hits = pyp.motifs.motif.run_motif_enrichment( data, f, **kwargs )[0] hits = hits.sort_values( sort, ascending=True if sort == 'p-value' else False, ) hits = hits[ hits[ 'pp-value' if kwargs.get('pp_value', False) else 'p-value' ] < p ] return[ {'selector': '*', 'props': [('font-family', 'monospace')]}, {'selector': 'th:first-child', 'props': [('display', 'none')]}, ])
[docs]def changes_table( data, sort='p-value', ): ''' Show a table of fold changes and p-values for each unique peptide in a data set. Parameters ---------- data : :class:`pyproteome.data_sets.DataSet` sort : str, optional Returns ------- df : :class:`pandas.DataFrame` ''' psms = getattr(data, 'psms', data) psms = psms[ [ 'Proteins', 'Sequence', 'Modifications', 'Fold Change', 'p-value', 'Validated', ] ].copy() psms['Sequence'] = psms['Sequence'].apply( lambda x: '{} ({})'.format(x, x.modifications) ) psms['Uniprot Accessions'] = psms['Proteins'].apply( lambda x: '; '.join(x.accessions) ) if sort == 'Fold Change': psms['Fold Change-Sort'] = psms['Fold Change'].apply( lambda x: max([x, 1 / x]) ) psms.sort_values('Fold Change-Sort', inplace=True, ascending=False) psms.drop('Fold Change-Sort', axis=1, inplace=True) else: psms.sort_values(sort, inplace=True, ascending=True) psms.drop('Modifications', axis=1, inplace=True) # back_colors = { # True: '#BBFFBB', # light green # False: '#FFBBBB', # light red # } if psms.empty: return psms # return # Color validated rows # lambda row: [ # 'background-color: ' + back_colors[row['Validated']] # for _ in row # ], # axis=1, # ) return # Hide index and 'Validated' columns [ {'selector': 'th:first-child', 'props': [('display', 'none')]}, {'selector': 'td:last-child', 'props': [('display', 'none')]}, {'selector': 'th:last-child', 'props': [('display', 'none')]}, {'selector': '*', 'props': [('text-align', 'left')]}, ] )
[docs]def ptmsigdb_changes_table( data, sort='p-value', folder_name=None, csv_name=None, ): ''' Show a table of fold changes and p-values for PTMSigDB. Parameters ---------- data : :class:`pyproteome.data_sets.DataSet` sort : str, optional folder_name : str, optional csv_name : str, optional Returns ------- df : :class:`pandas.DataFrame` ''' csv_name = _prep_csv( data=data, folder_name=folder_name, csv_name=csv_name, postfix=_get_table_title(running_title=['ptmsigdb']), ) psms = getattr(data, 'psms', data).copy() psms = psms.dropna(subset=('Fold Change',)) psms['Protein Description'] = psms['Proteins'].apply( lambda x: x.proteins[0].description ) psms['Gene'] = psms['Proteins'].apply( lambda x: x.genes[0] ) psms['Uniprot Accession'] = psms['Proteins'].apply( lambda x: x.accessions[0] ) psms['All Modifications'] = psms['Modifications'] psms['Phospho Modifications'] = psms['Modifications'].apply( lambda x: x.get_mods([(None, 'Phospho')]).__str__(prot_index=0) ) psms = psms[ [ 'Protein Description', 'Gene', 'Uniprot Accession', 'Sequence', 'All Modifications', 'Phospho Modifications', 'Fold Change', ] ].copy() psms.sort_values('Fold Change', inplace=True, ascending=False) if csv_name: psms.to_csv( csv_name, index=False, ) if psms.empty: return psms return # Hide index and 'Validated' columns [ {'selector': 'th:first-child', 'props': [('display', 'none')]}, {'selector': '*', 'props': [('text-align', 'left')]}, ] )
def _ds_to_df(data, save_cols=None, sample_values=True): channels = [ (name, data.channels[name]) for name in data.samples ] if sample_values else [] if save_cols is None: save_cols = ['Fold Change', 'p-value'] else: save_cols = [i for i in save_cols if i in data.psms.columns] cols = [ 'Proteins', 'Sequence', #'Scan', ] + save_cols + [ chan for _, chan in channels ] df = data.psms[cols].copy() df.rename( columns={ chan: name for name, chan in channels }, inplace=True, ) df.insert( 1, 'Genes', df['Proteins'].apply( lambda x: ' / '.join(x.genes) ), ) df.insert( 2, 'Uniprot Accessions', df['Proteins'].apply( lambda x: ' / '.join(x.accessions) ), ) df.insert( 3, 'Modifications', df['Sequence'].apply( lambda x: str(x.modifications) ), ) df['Sequence'] = df['Sequence'].apply(str) # df['Scan'] = df['Scan'].apply( # lambda x: # ', '.join([str(i) for i in x]) # if isinstance(x, collections.Iterable) else # str(x) # ) if 'p-value' in cols: df.sort_values('p-value', inplace=True, ascending=True) return df
[docs]def write_csv(data, folder_name=None, out_name='DataSet.csv'): ''' Write information for a single data set to a .csv file. Sheets are populated with protein, peptide, scan, and quantification values for all peptide-spectrum matches contained within a data set. Parameters ---------- data : :class:`pyproteome.data_sets.DataSet` folder_name : str, optional out_name : str, optional Returns ------- path : str Path to .xlsx file. ''' out_name = _prep_csv( data=None, folder_name=folder_name, csv_name=out_name, ) df = _ds_to_df(data) df.to_csv( out_name, index=False, ) return out_name
[docs]def write_full_tables( datas, save_cols=None, sample_values=True, folder_name=None, out_name='Full Data.xlsx', ): ''' Write information for a list of data sets to sheets of a .xlsx file. Sheets are populated with protein, peptide, scan, and quantification values for all peptide-spectrum matches contained within a data set. Parameters ---------- datas : list of :class:`pyproteome.data_sets.DataSet` save_cols : list of str, optional Extra column names to save from in each dataset. sample_values : bool, optional Save normalized TMT values for each sample to the output. folder_name : str, optional out_name : str, optional Returns ------- path : str Path to .xlsx file. ''' out_name = _prep_csv( data=None, folder_name=folder_name, csv_name=out_name, ) writer = pd.ExcelWriter(out_name, engine='xlsxwriter') for data in datas: df = _ds_to_df( data, save_cols=save_cols, sample_values=sample_values, ) ws_name = re.sub( '/', '+',, ) df.to_excel( writer, sheet_name=ws_name, index=False, ) ws = writer.sheets[ws_name] ws.freeze_panes(1, 0) ws.set_column(0, 0, 60) ws.set_column(1, 1, 15) ws.set_column(2, 2, 15) ws.set_column(3, 3, 20) ws.set_column(4, 4, 20) ws.autofilter(0, 0, df.shape[0], df.shape[1] - 1) for ind, col in enumerate(df.columns): args = 0, ind, df.shape[0], ind if col.endswith('-p'): args += { 'type': '3_color_scale', 'min_type': 'num', 'mid_type': 'num', 'max_type': 'num', 'min_value': 0, 'mid_value': 1e-4, 'max_value': 0.05, 'min_color': '#FF4444', 'mid_color': '#FF8844', 'max_color': '#FFFFFF', }, print(col, args) elif col.endswith('-FC'): args += { 'type': '3_color_scale', 'min_type': 'num', 'mid_type': 'num', 'max_type': 'num', 'min_value': .25, 'mid_value': 1, 'max_value': 4, 'min_color': '#6666FF', 'mid_color': '#FFFFFF', 'max_color': '#FF6666', }, elif col.endswith('-Corr') or col.endswith('-Correlation'): args += { 'type': '3_color_scale', 'min_type': 'num', 'mid_type': 'num', 'max_type': 'num', 'min_value': -1, 'mid_value': 0, 'max_value': 1, 'min_color': '#6666FF', 'mid_color': '#FFFFFF', 'max_color': '#FF6666', }, else: continue ws.conditional_format(*args) return out_name