Source code for pyproteome.analysis.volcano

from __future__ import absolute_import, division

import logging
import os
import re

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

import pyproteome as pyp

LOGGER = logging.getLogger('pyproteome.volcano')

def _remove_lesser_dups(labels, compress_sym=False):
    if labels.shape[0] < 1:
        return labels

    labels['xy'] = labels.apply(lambda x: abs(x['x']) + x['y'], axis=1)
    labels = labels.sort_values('xy', ascending=False)

    if compress_sym:
        labels = labels.drop_duplicates(subset='Label')
        labels = pd.concat([
            labels[labels['x'] >= 0].drop_duplicates(subset='Label'),
            labels[labels['x'] < 0].drop_duplicates(subset='Label'),

    return labels

[docs]def plot_volcano_labels( data, ax, upper_fold=None, lower_fold=None, p=None, fold_and_p=True, sequence_labels=False, options=None, show_duplicates=False, compress_sym=True, adjust=True, mods=None, ): ''' Plot labels on a volcano plot. Parameters ---------- data : :class:`pyproteome.data_sets.DataSet` ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` upper_fold : float, optional lower_fold : float, optional p : float, optional fold_and_p : bool, optional sequence_labels : bool, optional options : dict, optional show_duplicates : bool, optional compress_sym : bool, optional adjust : bool, optional mods : str or list of str, optional Returns ------- labels : :class:`pandas.DataFrame` ''' options = options or {} highlight = options.get('highlight', {}) hide = options.get('hide', {}) show = options.get('show', {}) edgecolors = options.get('edgecolors', {}) rename = options.get('rename', {}) xminmax = ax.get_xlim() yminmax = ax.get_ylim() labels = data.psms.copy() labels['x'] = labels['Fold Change'] labels['y'] = labels['p-value'] labels = labels[ (labels['x'] >= xminmax[0]) & (labels['x'] <= xminmax[1]) & (labels['y'] >= yminmax[0]) & (labels['y'] <= yminmax[1]) ] if labels.shape[0] < 1: return labels if sequence_labels: labels['Label'] = labels['Sequence'].apply(str) elif not mods: labels['Label'] = labels['Proteins'].apply(pyp.utils.get_name) else: labels['Label'] = labels.apply( lambda x: '{}{}{}'.format( pyp.utils.get_name(x['Proteins']), ' ' if len(x['Modifications'].get_mods(mods)) > 0 else '', ' / '.join([ x['Modifications'].get_mods( mods, ).__str__(prot_index=index) for index, gene in enumerate(x['Proteins'].genes) ]) if len(x['Modifications'].get_mods(mods)) > 0 else '', ), # if len(list(x['Modifications'].get_mods(mods))) > 0 else # ' / '.join(x['Proteins'].genes), axis=1, ) def _get_names(row): names = [ rename.get(row['Label'], row['Label']), row['Label'], ] if 'Sequence' in row: names += [str(row['Sequence'])] if 'Proteins' in row: names += [ j for i in row['Proteins'].genes for j in [i, rename.get(i, i)] ] return names labels['Names'] = labels.apply(_get_names, axis=1) labels = labels[ labels['Names'].apply(lambda x: not any([i in hide for i in x])) ] labels = labels[ labels['Names'].apply(lambda x: any([i in show for i in x])) | ( ( (labels['y'] >= p) & ( (labels['x'] >= upper_fold) | (labels['x'] <= lower_fold) ) ) if fold_and_p else ( (labels['y'] >= p) | ( (labels['x'] >= upper_fold) | (labels['x'] <= lower_fold) ) ) ) ] labels['Highlight'] = labels['Names'].apply( lambda x: any([ i in highlight for i in x ]) ) labels['Label'] = labels['Names'].apply( lambda x: x[0] ) def _get_txt_color(row): colors = [ edgecolors.get(i) for i in row['Names'][:2] if i in edgecolors ] edgecolor = colors[0] if colors else None if edgecolor is None: gene_colors = [ edgecolors.get(gene, None) for gene in row['Proteins'].genes ] if len(set(gene_colors)) == 1: edgecolor = gene_colors[0] return edgecolor labels['EdgeColor'] = labels.apply( _get_txt_color, axis=1, ) if labels.shape[0] > 0 else [] labels = labels[ [ 'x', 'y', 'Label', 'EdgeColor', 'Highlight', ] ].copy() if not show_duplicates: labels = _remove_lesser_dups(labels, compress_sym=compress_sym) # Position the labels txt_lim = 100 if mods else 12 texts = [ ax.text( x=row['x'], y=row['y'], s=row['Label'][:txt_lim] + ( '...' if len(row['Label']) > txt_lim else '' ), zorder=10, fontsize=( VOLCANO_LARGE_TEXT_SIZE if row['Highlight'] else VOLCANO_TEXT_SIZE ), horizontalalignment=( 'left' if row['x'] > 0 else 'right' ), bbox=dict( alpha=1, linewidth=0.1, pad=.2, facecolor=row['EdgeColor'] or ( '#DDDDDD' if edgecolors else ('#BFEE90' if row['x'] > 0 else '#FFC1C1') ), zorder=1, # edgecolor='black', boxstyle='round', ), ) for _, row in labels.iterrows() ]'Plotting volcano labels for {} peptides from {} points'.format(len(texts), data.shape[0])) if adjust and texts: texts = texts[:MAX_VOLCANO_LABELS] pyp.utils.adjust_text( texts=texts, ax=ax, lim=100, force_text=(.05, .3), force_points=.01, arrowprops=dict( arrowstyle='->', relpos=(0, 0), lw=1, zorder=1, color='k', ), only_move={ 'points': 'y', 'text': 'xy', } ) return labels
[docs]def plot_volcano( data, group_a=None, group_b=None, p=0.05, fold=1.25, xminmax=None, yminmax=None, title=None, ax=None, show_xlabel=True, show_ylabel=True, log2_fold=True, log10_p=True, bonferoni=False, **kwargs ): ''' Display a volcano plot of data. This plot inclues the fold-changes and p-values associated with said changes. Parameters ---------- data : :class:`pyproteome.data_sets.DataSet` group_a : str or list of str, optional group_b : str or list of str, optional p : float, optional fold : float, optional xminmax : tuple of (float, float), optional yminmax : tuple of (float, float), optional title : str, optional ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` show_xlabel : bool, optional show_ylabel : bool, optional log2_fold : bool, optional log10_p : bool, optional bonferoni : bool, optional kwargs : dict Arguments passed to :func:`.plot_volcano_labels` Returns ------- f : :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` ''' data = data.copy() (channels_a, channels_b), (label_a, label_b), _ = data.get_groups( group_a=group_a, group_b=group_b, ) if group_a and group_b: data.update_group_changes(group_a=group_a, group_b=group_b) if log10_p: p = -np.log10(p) data.psms['p-value'] = data.psms['p-value'].apply( lambda x: -np.log10(x) ) if log2_fold: fold = np.log2(fold) data.psms['Fold Change'] = data.psms['Fold Change'].apply( lambda x: np.log2(x) ) upper_fold = fold lower_fold = -upper_fold with pd.option_context('mode.use_inf_as_null', True): data.psms = data.psms.dropna( subset=['p-value', 'Fold Change'], how='any', ) if yminmax: data.psms = data[ (data['p-value'] <= yminmax[1]) & (data['p-value'] >= yminmax[0]) ] if xminmax: data.psms = data[ (data['Fold Change'] <= xminmax[1]) & (data['Fold Change'] >= xminmax[0]) ] if bonferoni: p += np.log10(data.shape[0]) # Draw the figure if ax is None: _, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 6)) ax.scatter( data['Fold Change'], data['p-value'], s=5, c='grey', ) ax.spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position('left') ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position('bottom') if not np.isnan(p): ax.axhline( p, color='r', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=0.5, ) if (abs(fold) if log2_fold else abs(fold - 1)) > 0.01: ax.axvline( upper_fold, color='r', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=0.5, ) ax.axvline( lower_fold, color='r', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=0.5, ) if xminmax: ax.set_xlim(left=xminmax[0], right=xminmax[1]) else: ax.set_xlim( left=np.floor(min(data['Fold Change'] + [0]) * 2) / 2, right=np.ceil(max(data['Fold Change'] + [0]) * 2) / 2, ) if yminmax: ax.set_ylim(bottom=yminmax[0], top=yminmax[1]) else: ax.set_ylim(bottom=-0.1) ax.set_xticks( list( sorted( tick for tick in tuple(ax.get_xticks()) + (lower_fold, upper_fold) if ( tick in [lower_fold, upper_fold] or tick < lower_fold - .25 or tick > upper_fold + .25 ) and (tick <= ax.get_xlim()[1] and tick >= ax.get_xlim()[0]) ) ) ) ax.set_yticks( list( sorted( [ tick for tick in tuple(ax.get_yticks()) + (p,) if '{}'.format(np.power(1/10, tick)).strip('0.')[:1] in ['1', '5'] and tick >= p and (tick <= ax.get_ylim()[1] and tick >= ax.get_ylim()[0]) ] ) ) ) ax.set_xticklabels( [ '{:.3}'.format(np.exp2(i) if log2_fold else i) for i in ax.get_xticks() ], ) ax.set_yticklabels( [ ( '{:.3}' if i > 5e-3 else '{:.0e}' ).format(np.power(1/10, i) if log10_p else i) for i in ax.get_yticks() ], ) if show_xlabel: max_len = 25 ax.set_xlabel( '{} (n={}) / {} (n={})'.format( label_a[:max_len] + ('...' if len(label_a) > max_len else ''), len(channels_a), label_b[:max_len] + ('...' if len(label_b) > max_len else ''), len(channels_b), ), ) if show_ylabel: ax.set_ylabel( 'p-value', ) if title: ax.set_title( title, ) plot_volcano_labels( data=data, ax=ax, upper_fold=upper_fold, lower_fold=lower_fold, p=p, **kwargs ) fig = ax.get_figure() return fig, ax
[docs]def plot_volcano_filtered(data, f, **kwargs): ''' Display a volcano plot, showing only peptides that are included by a given filter. Parameters ---------- data : :class:`pyproteome.data_sets.DataSet` f : dict or list of dict Filters passed to :func:`pyproteome.data_sets.DataSet.filter`. kwargs : dict Extra arguments that are passed directly to :func:`.plot_volcano`. Returns ------- f : :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` ''' data = data.copy() data.update_group_changes( group_a=kwargs.get('group_a', None), group_b=kwargs.get('group_b', None), ) changes = [] pvals = [] for _, row in data.psms.iterrows(): row_pval = -np.log10(row['p-value']) row_change = np.log2(row['Fold Change']) if ( np.isnan(row_pval) or np.isnan(row_change) or np.isinf(row_pval) or np.isinf(row_change) ): continue pvals.append(row_pval) changes.append(row_change) d = data.filter(f) xminmax = kwargs.pop( 'xminmax', ( np.floor(min(changes + [0]) * 2) / 2, np.ceil(max(changes + [0]) * 2) / 2, ), ) yminmax = kwargs.pop( 'yminmax', (-0.1, np.ceil(max(pvals + [1]))), ) f, ax = plot_volcano( d, xminmax=xminmax, yminmax=yminmax, **kwargs ) if changes and pvals: changes, pvals = zip(*[ (x, y) for x, y in zip(changes, pvals) if x > xminmax[0] and x < xminmax[1] and y > yminmax[0] and y < yminmax[1] ]) ax.scatter( changes, pvals, s=5, zorder=0, c='grey', # c='lightblue', # alpha=0.3, ) return f, ax