Source code for pyproteome.data_sets.protein

This module provides functionality for interfacing with protein data.

import logging

import pyproteome as pyp

LOGGER = logging.getLogger('pyproteome.protein')

[docs]class Proteins: ''' Wraps a list of proteins. Attributes ---------- proteins : tuple of :class:`.Protein` List of proteins to which a peptide sequence is mapped. ''' def __init__(self, proteins=None): if proteins is None: proteins = () self.proteins = tuple(sorted(proteins)) def __iter__(self): return iter(self.proteins) def __len__(self): return len(self.proteins) def __hash__(self): return hash( self.proteins, ) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, str): return ( any(i == other for i in self.genes) or any(i == other for i in self.accessions) ) if not isinstance(other, Proteins): raise TypeError(type(other)) return len(self.proteins) == len(other.proteins) and all( i == j for i, j in zip(self.proteins, other.proteins) ) def __lt__(self, other): return self.proteins < other.proteins def __str__(self): return ' / '.join( str(i) for i in self.proteins ) @property def accessions(self): ''' List of UniPort accessions for a group of proteins. Returns ------- tuple of str ''' return tuple(i.accession for i in self.proteins) @property def descriptions(self): ''' List of protein descriptions for a group of proteins. Returns ------- tuple of str ''' return tuple(i.description for i in self.proteins) @property def genes(self): ''' List of UniPort gene names for a group of proteins. Returns ------- tuple of str ''' return tuple(i.gene for i in self.proteins)
[docs]class Protein: ''' Contains information about a single protein. Attributes ---------- accession : str The UniProt accession (i.e. 'P40763'). gene : str The UniProt gene name (i.e. 'STAT3'). description : str A brief description of the protein (i.e. 'Signal transducer and activator of transcription 3'). full_sequence : str The full sequence of the protein. ''' def __init__( self, accession=None, gene=None, description=None, full_sequence=None, ): self.accession = accession self.gene = gene self.description = description self.full_sequence = full_sequence if any(i is None for i in [gene, description, full_sequence]): up_data = pyp.pypuniprot.get_uniprot_data(accession) if 'gene' in up_data: self.gene = up_data['gene'] elif 'id' in up_data: self.gene = up_data['id'] else: LOGGER.warning( 'Unable to find {} in uniprot db'.format(accession) ) self.gene = accession self.description = up_data.get('descriptions', [''])[0] self.full_sequence = up_data.get('sequence', None) def __hash__(self): return hash(self.accession) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Protein): raise TypeError() return self.accession == other.accession def __lt__(self, other): return self.gene < other.gene def __str__(self): return '{} ({})'.format( self.description, self.gene, )