Source code for pyproteome.data_sets.sequence

This module provides functionality for manipulating sequences.

# Built-ins
import logging

from . import modification, protein

import pyproteome as pyp

LOGGER = logging.getLogger('pyproteome.sequence')

[docs]class ProteinMatch: ''' Contains information about how a peptide sequence maps onto a protein. Attributes ---------- protein : :class:`.protein.Protein` Protein object. rel_pos : int Relative position of the peptide start within the protein sequence. exact : bool Indicates whether a peptide sequence exact matches its protein sequence. ''' def __init__(self, protein, rel_pos, exact): self.protein = protein self.rel_pos = rel_pos self.exact = exact
[docs] def to_tuple(self): return ( self.protein, self.rel_pos, self.exact, )
def __hash__(self): return hash(self.to_tuple()) def __lt__(self, other): return self.protein < other.protein def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, ProteinMatch): raise TypeError(other) return self.to_tuple() == other.to_tuple()
[docs]class Sequence: ''' Contains information about a sequence and which proteins it matches to. Attributes ---------- pep_seq : str Peptide sequence, in 1-letter amino code. protein_matches : list of :class:`.ProteinMatch` Object mapping all proteins that a peptide sequence matches. modifications : :class:`.modification.Modifications` Object listing all post-translation modifications identified on a peptide. ''' def __init__( self, pep_seq='', protein_matches=None, modifications=None, ): ''' Parameters ---------- pep_seq : str protein_matches : list of :class:`.ProteinMatch` modifications : :class:`.modification.Modifications`, optional ''' if protein_matches is None: protein_matches = () self.pep_seq = pep_seq self.protein_matches = tuple(sorted(protein_matches)) self.modifications = modifications self._is_labeled = None self._is_underlabeled = None
[docs] def to_tuple(self): return ( self.pep_seq.upper(), self.modifications, )
def __hash__(self): return hash(self.to_tuple()) def __eq__(self, other): # In case of searching just by sequence if isinstance(other, str): return other in [ self.__str__(), self.__str__(show_mods=True), self.__str__(skip_labels=False, skip_terminus=False), self.__str__( skip_labels=False, skip_terminus=False, show_mods=True, ), ] if not isinstance(other, Sequence): raise TypeError(other) if self.pep_seq.upper() != other.pep_seq.upper(): return False if tuple(self.protein_matches) != tuple(other.protein_matches): return False return self.to_tuple() == other.to_tuple() def __lt__(self, other): return self.pep_seq < other.pep_seq def __contains__(self, other): if isinstance(other, str): return any([ other in i for i in [ self.__str__(), self.__str__(skip_labels=True, skip_terminus=False), ] ]) if not isinstance(other, Sequence): raise TypeError(type(other)) self_mods = list(self.modifications.skip_labels()) other_mods = list(other.modifications.skip_labels()) return ( other.pep_seq.upper() in self.pep_seq.upper() and len(other.protein_matches) == len(self.protein_matches) and all( i.protein == j.protein for i, j in zip(other.protein_matches, self.protein_matches) ) and len(other_mods) == len(self_mods) and all( i.mod_type == j.mod_type and i.abs_pos == j.abs_pos and i.nterm == j.nterm and i.cterm == j.cterm for i, j in zip( other_mods, self_mods, ) ) ) def __str__( self, skip_labels=True, skip_terminus=True, mods=None, show_mods=False, ): ''' Converts a peptide into a string. Parameters ---------- skip_labels : bool, optional Don't include TMT/iTRAQ quantitification tags in string. skip_terminus : bool, optional Don't show N-/C-terminal modifications. mods : list of str, optional Only show this subset of modifications (i.e. ['Phospho', 'Oxidation']). show_mods : bool, optional If true, show modification identities (i.e. 'y(Phospho)'). Otherwise residues with modifications are shown as lowercase. Returns ------- str ''' string = list('N-' + self.pep_seq.upper() + '-C') self_mods = self.modifications if skip_terminus: string = string[2:-2] if mods: self_mods = self_mods.get_mods(mods) if skip_labels: self_mods = self_mods.skip_labels() def _mods(index, letter): lst = [ mod for mod in self_mods if (mod.rel_pos == index) or (mod.nterm and index < 0) or (mod.cterm and index > len(self.pep_seq)) ] if not lst or letter == '-': return letter if not show_mods: return letter.lower() return ( letter.lower() + '({})'.format(', '.join([mod.mod_type for mod in lst])) ) string = [ _mods(ind, letter) for ind, letter in enumerate( string, start=0 if skip_terminus else -2, ) ] return ''.join(string) def __len__(self): return len(self.pep_seq) @property def is_labeled(self): ''' Checks whether a sequence is modified on any residue with a quantification label. Returns ------- is_labeled : bool ''' if self._is_labeled is not None: return self._is_labeled val = any( j.mod_type in modification.LABEL_NAMES for j in self.modifications.mods ) self._is_labeled = val return val @property def is_underlabeled(self): ''' Checks whether a sequence is modified with quantification labels on fewer than all expected residues. Returns ------- is_underlabeled : bool ''' if self._is_underlabeled is not None: return self._is_underlabeled underlabeled = False if self.is_labeled: # XXX: Hardcodes label modification locations, not extendable to # new quantification tags without changes to this function underlabeled = not any( j.mod_type in modification.LABEL_NAMES and j.nterm for j in self.modifications.mods ) or self.pep_seq.count('K') != sum( j.mod_type in modification.LABEL_NAMES for j in self.modifications.mods if j.letter == 'K' and not j.nterm ) self._is_underlabeled = underlabeled return underlabeled
[docs]def extract_sequence(proteins, sequence_string): ''' Extract a Sequence object from a list of proteins and sequence string. Does not set the Sequence.modifications attribute. Parameters ---------- proteins : list of :class:`.protein.Protein` sequence_string : str Returns ------- seqs : list of :class:`.Sequence` ''' prot_matches = [] # Skip peptides with no protein matches if not isinstance(proteins, protein.Proteins): proteins = [] def _get_rel_pos(protein, pep_seq): seq = protein.full_sequence if not seq: return 0, False pep_pos = seq.find(pep_seq) exact = True if pep_pos < 0: pep_pos = pyp.utils.fuzzy_find(pep_seq, seq) exact = False return pep_pos, exact for prot in proteins: rel_pos, exact = _get_rel_pos(prot, sequence_string.upper()) prot_matches.append( ProteinMatch( protein=prot, rel_pos=rel_pos, exact=exact, ) ) return Sequence( pep_seq=sequence_string, protein_matches=prot_matches, )