Source code for pyproteome.levels

This module provides functionality for normalizing protein data.

Levels can be extracted from supernatant or phosphotyrosine runs using median
or mean peptide levels across multiple channels.

from __future__ import absolute_import, division

# Built-ins
from collections import OrderedDict
import logging
import warnings

# Core data analysis libraries
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
from scipy import stats

LOGGER = logging.getLogger('pyproteome.levels')

[docs]def kde_max(points): ''' Estimate the center of a quantification channel by fitting a gaussian KDE function and finding its maximum. Parameters ---------- points : list of float Returns ------- float ''' points = points[~np.isnan(points)] gaus = stats.kde.gaussian_kde(points, bw_method='silverman') # .25 - .75 1000 slices # x = np.arange(0, 10, .01) x = np.linspace(np.quantile(points, .15), np.quantile(points, .85), 1000) y = np.array(gaus.pdf(x)) return x[y == y.max()][0]
[docs]def get_channel_levels( data, norm_channels=None, method='median', cols=2, ): ''' Calculate channel normalization levels. This value is calculated by selecting the peak of Gaussian KDE distribution fitted to channel ratio values. Parameters ---------- data : :class:`pyproteome.data_sets.DataSet` norm_channels : list of str, optional Sample names of channels to use for normalization. method : str, optional Normalize to the 'mean' or 'median' of each row. cols : int, optional Number of columns used when displaying KDE distributions. Returns ------- fig : :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` channel_levels : dict of str, float ''' if norm_channels is None: norm_channels = list(data.channels.keys()) channels = [data.channels[i] for i in norm_channels] channel_levels = OrderedDict() rows = int(np.ceil(len(data.channels) / cols)) scale = 3 f, axes = plt.subplots( rows, cols, sharex=True, sharey=True, figsize=(scale * cols, scale * rows), dpi=LEVELS_DPI, ) axes = [i for j in axes for i in j] ax_iter = iter(axes) if method in ['mean']: norm = data.psms[channels].mean(axis=1) elif method in ['median']: norm = data.psms[channels].median(axis=1) else: raise Exception('Unknown normalization method: {}'.format(method)) for col_name, col in zip(norm_channels, channels): points = (data.psms[col] / norm).dropna() # Remove peptides that change more than 25x points = points[ (points >= 1 / REL_CUTOFF) & (points <= REL_CUTOFF) ] if points.shape[0] < WARN_PEP_CUTOFF: LOGGER.warning( ( '{}: Too few peptides for normalization, ' 'quantification may be inaccurate ' ' ({} peptides for {}: {})' ).format(, points.shape[0], col_name, col) ) if points.shape[0] < 1: channel_levels[col] = 1 continue else: # Fit a guassian and find its maximum max_x = kde_max(points) channel_levels[col] = max_x ax = next(ax_iter) # seaborn==0.9.0 throws a scipy.stats warning with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings( 'ignore', '', FutureWarning, ) sns.distplot( points.apply(np.log2), bins=25, ax=ax, ) ax.set_xlim(left=-2, right=2) ax.set_title( '{} ({})'.format(col_name, col) if isinstance(data.channels, dict) else col, ) txt = 'center = {:.2f}\n$\\sigma$ = {:.2f}'.format( max_x, points.std(ddof=1), ) lines = [ ax.axvline(np.log2(points.median()), color='g', zorder=2, linestyle=':'), ax.axvline(np.log2(points.mean()), color='r', zorder=3, linestyle='-.'), ax.axvline(np.log2(max_x), color='c', zorder=4, linestyle='--'), ax.axvline(np.log2(1), color='k', linestyle='-', zorder=0, lw=2), ] if col_name is norm_channels[0]: ax.legend(lines[:-1], ['kde max', 'mean', 'median']) ax.text( s=txt, x=ax.get_xlim()[1] * .9, y=1, fontsize=10, color='k', horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='center', ).set_bbox( dict( alpha=.75, linewidth=0.25, facecolor='white', zorder=1, edgecolor='black', boxstyle='round', ) ) for ax in ax_iter: ax.axis('off') f.suptitle( '{}'.format(, fontsize=16, y=.92, ) return f, channel_levels