Source code for pyproteome.pathways.plot

from __future__ import division

import logging
import warnings

import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

import pyproteome as pyp

from . import enrichments

LOGGER = logging.getLogger('pyp.pathways.plot')

def _fix_name(name):
    if name.startswith('HALLMARK_'):
        name = name[len('HALLMARK_'):]

    name = name.replace('_', ' ')
    # name = name.split('-', 1)[-1]

    if not any([i.islower() for i in name]):
        name = name.title()

    return name

[docs]def plot_nes_dist(nes_vals, nes_pi_vals): ''' Generate a histogram plot showing the distribution of NES(S) values alongside the distribution of NES(S, pi) values. Parameters ---------- nes_vals : :class:`numpy.array` nes_pi_vals : :class:`numpy.array` Returns ------- f : :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` ''''Plotting NES(S) and NES(S, pi) distributions') f, ax = plt.subplots( figsize=(4, 3), ) if nes_pi_vals.shape[0] > 0: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', category=FutureWarning) sns.distplot( nes_pi_vals, color='k', ax=ax, ) if nes_vals.shape[0] > 0: try: sns.distplot( nes_vals, color='r', hist=False, rug=True, kde=False, ax=ax, ) except ValueError as err: LOGGER.warning('sns.distplot threw an error: {}'.format(err)) return f, ax
[docs]def plot_nes( vals, min_hits=0, min_abs_score=0, max_pval=.05, max_qval=.25, title=None, col=None, ax=None, ): ''' Plot the ranked normalized enrichment score values. Annotates significant gene sets with their name on the figure. Parameters ---------- vals : :class:`pandas.DataFrame` The gene sets and scores calculated by enrichment_scores(). min_hits : int, optional min_abs_score : float, optional max_pval : float, optional max_qval : float, optional figsize : tuple of (int, int), optional Returns ------- f : :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` ''''Plotting ranked NES(S) values') v = vals.copy() if col is None: col = [ i for i in [ # 'q-value', 'p-value', 'NES(S)', 'ES(S)', ] if i in v.columns ][0] if col in ['p-value']: sig_cutoff = -np.log10(max_pval) elif col in ['q-value']: sig_cutoff = -np.log10(max_qval) else: sig_cutoff = 1 p_iter = len(v['ES(S, pi)'].iloc[0]) if col in ['p-value', 'q-value']: v[col] = v[col].apply( lambda x: -np.log10(x) if x > 0 else -np.log10(1/p_iter) ) v = v.sort_values('NES(S)', ascending=False) if ax is None: n = 8 _, ax = plt.subplots( figsize=(n, n), ) v['n_hits'] = v['n_hits'].apply(float) sns.scatterplot( data=v, y=col, x='NES(S)', size='n_hits', hue='n_hits', ax=ax, palette='Spectral', ) if title is not None: ax.set_title(title) # ax.set_ylabel('') if col in ['p-value', 'q-value']: ax.set_yticks([ i for i in ax.get_yticks() if abs(i - int(i)) < .1 ]) ax.set_yticklabels([ '{:.3}'.format(10 ** -i) for i in ax.get_yticks() ]) ax.axhline(sig_cutoff, color='k', linestyle=':') texts = [ ax.text( x=row['NES(S)'], y=row[col], s=_fix_name(row['name']), zorder=10, horizontalalignment=( 'left' if row['NES(S)'] > 0 else 'right' ), fontsize=12, bbox=dict( alpha=.75, linewidth=0.1, pad=.05, zorder=1, facecolor='white', boxstyle='round', ), ) for _, row in v[v[col] > sig_cutoff].iterrows() ] if texts: pyp.utils.adjust_text( texts=texts, ax=ax, lim=100, force_text=0.3, force_points=0.01, arrowprops=dict( arrowstyle='->', relpos=(0, 0), lw=1, zorder=1, color='k', ), only_move={ 'points': 'y', 'text': 'y', } ) ax.legend( loc='right', bbox_to_anchor=(1.25, .5), ) return ax.get_figure(), ax
[docs]def plot_correlations( gene_changes, ax=None, ): ''' Plot the ranked list of correlations. Parameters ---------- gene_changes : :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Genes and their correlation values as calculated by get_gene_changes(). figsize : tuple of (int, int), optional Returns ------- f : :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` ''''Plotting gene correlations') if ax is None: f, ax = plt.subplots( figsize=(4, 3), ) ax.plot( gene_changes['Correlation'].sort_values(ascending=False).tolist(), ) ax.axhline(0, color='k') ax.set_xlabel('Gene List Rank') ax.set_ylabel('Correlation') return ax.get_figure(), ax
[docs]def plot_enrichment( vals, cols=5, ): ''' Plot enrichment score curves for each gene set. Parameters ---------- vals : :class:`pandas.DataFrame` The gene sets and scores calculated by enrichment_scores(). cols : int, optional ''''Plotting ES(S) graphs') rows = max([int(np.ceil(len(vals) / cols)), 1]) scale = 3 f, axes = plt.subplots( rows, cols, figsize=(scale * cols, scale * rows), squeeze=False, sharex=True, sharey=True, ) axes = [i for j in axes for i in j] nes = 'NES(S)' if 'NES(S)' in vals.columns else 'ES(S)' ax_iter = iter(axes) for index, (set_id, row) in enumerate(vals.iterrows()): ax = next(ax_iter) if ( 'cumscore' in row and len(row['cumscore']) > 0 and row['hits'].any() ): ax.plot(row['cumscore'], color='g') if ( 'down_cumscore' in row and len(row['down_cumscore']) > 0 and row['down_hits'].any() ): ax.plot(row['down_cumscore'], color='r') for ind, hit in enumerate(row['hits']): if hit: ax.axvline(ind, linestyle=':', alpha=.25, color='g') if 'down_hits' in row: for ind, hit in enumerate(row['down_hits']): if hit: ax.axvline(ind, linestyle=':', alpha=.25, color='r') name = _fix_name(row['name']) name = name if len(name) < 35 else name[:35] + '...' ax.set_title(name) txt = 'hits: {} {}={:.2f}'.format( row['n_hits'], nes.split('(')[0], row[nes], ) + ( '\np={:.2f}'.format( row['p-value'], ) if 'p-value' in row.index else '' ) + ( ', q={:.2f}'.format( row['q-value'], ) if 'q-value' in row.index else '' ) ax.axhline(0, color='k') if index >= len(axes) - cols: ax.set_xlabel('Gene List Rank') if index % cols == 0: ax.set_ylabel('ES(S)') ax.set_ylim(-1, 1) ax.text( s=txt, x=ax.get_xlim()[1] / 2, y=-.8, zorder=10, color='k', horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', bbox=dict( alpha=1, linewidth=0.5, facecolor='white', zorder=1, edgecolor='black', boxstyle='round', ) ) for ax in ax_iter: ax.axis('off') return f, axes
[docs]def plot_gsea( vals, gene_changes, min_hits=0, min_abs_score=0, max_pval=1, max_qval=1, name='', **kwargs ): ''' Run set enrichment analysis on a data set and generate all figures associated with that analysis. Parameters ---------- vals : :class:`pandas.DataFrame` gene_changes : :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Returns ------- figs : list of :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` ''' figs = () figs += plot_correlations(gene_changes)[0], if vals.shape[0] > 0: figs += plot_enrichment( enrichments.filter_vals( vals, min_abs_score=min_abs_score, max_pval=max_pval, max_qval=max_qval, min_hits=min_hits, ), **kwargs )[0], if 'NES(S)' in vals.columns: figs += plot_nes( vals, min_hits=min_hits, min_abs_score=min_abs_score, max_pval=max_pval, max_qval=max_qval, )[0], return figs